MICLEDI rolls out red AlInGaP microLEDs

Firm expands its portfolio of Best-in-Class RGB microLEDs

MICLEDI Microdisplays, a tech firm specializing in the field of microLED (µLED) displays for high-end Augmented Reality (AR) glasses, has produced its first demonstration units of Red µLEDs on AlInGaP starting material. The newest addition to its portfolio of R, G and B µLEDs follows the firm’s strategy of optimized display module performance and is manufactured in a CMOS compatible flow, free of arsenide.

MICLEDI’s strategy is to enable true consumer AR glasses by making quality individual colour-performing µLEDs, which when coupled with the company’s proprietary micro-lenses can be integrated into the highest performing full-colour 3-panel µLED display module. Different applications (true consumer, industrial, automotive, and others) require different optimal performance parameters.

“There is no one-size-fits-all solution for AR glasses. This achievement, with our previously announced blue, green and red GaN µLEDs, opens the door to a broader offering of display module performance parameters which enables MICLEDI to serve customers developing AR glasses from medium to high resolution and medium to high brightness,” says MICLEDI CEO Sean Lord.

“Using advanced photolithography available in world-class 300mm wafer fabs assures that µLEDs made by MICLEDI will achieve lowest defectivity, highest process control and repeatability, and capitalizes on the symbiosis in manufacturing that comes from building our µLEDs in the same fabs and fab processes that advanced ASICs for µLED control and driving are made,” adds Dr. Soeren Steudel, co-founder and CTO. “Through partnerships with world-leading developers of starting materials and our healthy collaboration with IMEC and other fab partners, we will demonstrate at CES µLEDs with excellent color performance across the full range of drive currents for many different types of AR glasses appliances in blue, green and two optimized versions of red.”

MICLEDI’s first red on GaN is solidly in the red range with wavelength centered at 620nm and good FWHM of < 50nm. This newest announcement of red on AlInGaP achieves 653nm wavelength at extremely narrow FWHM of < 9nm. MICLEDI’s newest addition to its portfolio of colours is Ferrari-red, free of arsenide, CMOS compatible, and designed with a new structure as compared to standard GaN microLEDs.


MICLEDI Microdisplays Highlights Best-in-Class microLEDs for Ultra-Compact Displays at SPIE AR-VR-MR Exhibition


MICLEDI demonstrates AlInGaP "Ferrari" red microLED devices